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Directrices para autores/as

The International Network on Youth Integration (INYI) is an international network for knowledge exchange and collaboration. The INYI Journal is published online. Publications in INYI Journal are peer-reviewed, or by invitation, open access and free. For additional information on INYI please see:  https://nkhanlou.info.yorku.ca/international/inyi/

Accepted and published articles will be identified whether they are peer-reviewed or by invitation.

Instructions for Authors

Scope: Authors are invited to submit manuscripts – original articles, reviews and debates - based on their research/teaching/practice/policy initiatives related to the broad area of youth integration.

Submission process

Preparing your manuscript

Manuscripts under consideration for publication elsewhere may not be submitted. Peer-reviewed manuscripts are blind reviewed by at least 2 reviewers, therefore, authors are required to prepare three separate documents.

Format: All files should be provided in Microsoft Word format

1. Title Page: Please submit a separate Title Page that includes:

  • Concisely worded title
  • Full names of all authors (first, middle, and last name) separated by commas
  • Do not include author(s)’ degrees
  • Author(s)’ affiliation(s): the department, institution/university, city, and country name typed as a footnote to the author(s)’ name
  • 1st author’s ORCID # (if available)
  • Corresponding author’s email address (author designated to receive correspondence regarding the submission), the complete postal address, and telephone number
  • Acknowledgments, clear identification of research ethics approval, disclosure of conflict of interest, and declarations regarding sources of funding information.

2. An anonymized manuscript with any information that reveals the identity of the authors removed such as: authors’ names, author citations, acknowledgments, and funding information.

Note: Author(s)’ identifying formation can be re-inserted after review of the manuscript is completed and accepted for publication.

3. A separate file with tables and figures and their captions in editable format.

For invited manuscripts, files 1 and 3 of the above are required only.

Manuscript outline

The submitted manuscript should include title, abstract and keywords on first page.

Title: A concisely worded title should be provided.

Abstract: A structured abstract up to 250 words should provide an overview of the intended article. Structure should follow the main sections of the text: introduction, methods, findings, discussion, and conclusion.

Keywords: Six keywords directly below the abstract that capture the main focus of the paper should be included.

Do not include headers, footers, or endnotes.

Indicate the location of a figure/table/graph in the text using the following format: [Figure 1: XXX].

Main text: The text should begin on the second page. We prefer submissions of 5000 words or less, including the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Methods/description of initiative
  • Findings
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion/and implications for youth integration

Tables and Figures: Should be accompanied in a separate file in an editable format. Each figure and table should be typed in on a separate page and numbered in Arabic numerals (for example Figure 1.) Captions should be typed in above the figure/table flushed left. Explanatory notes can be typed in superscript lower case below the table/figure.

References: References should follow at the end of the main text in alphabetical order and should follow the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Check and ensure all your citations are complete, accurate and consistent.

Style and formatting

  • Text should be double-spaced and submitted as a Microsoft Word format.
  • All elements of the manuscript including title, abstract, headings, main body, references, special characters, figures, and tables must be formatted using the most recent edition of American Psychological Association (APA). For additional information on APA Style see https://apastyle.apa.org/

Accessibility Guidelines

Post submission

  • For peer-reviewed manuscripts, submissions will be sent to at least two referees for blind peer-review. Based on their feedback the Editor will communicate with the corresponding author the decision: to accept (with minor or major revision) or decline your manuscript for publication.
  • If your manuscript is accepted with revisions, the authors will be asked to address the reviewers’ concerns. In a response to reviewers’ feedback in a Word document the authors will explain how they addressed the reviewers’ comments. A revised manuscript with the corresponding additions/alterations will be submitted.
  • Once a decision has been made on publishing the manuscript in the INYI Journal, the Editor will communicate with the corresponding author.

Post Acceptance

Third Party Copyright Permissions

For copyrighted material, submitting authors are required to obtain written permission from the copyright holder.


You retain ownership of all rights under copyright in all versions of the article. You grant INYI Journal permission to publish the manuscript using a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). You agree that any subsequent publication of the manuscript should include a citation to the original publication in INYI Journal.

Editor Contact Information
Nazilla Khanlou, RN, PhD
INYI Founder and Journal Editor
Associate Professor, School of Nursing
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Email: inyi.journal@gmail.com